Answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

  • Do I receive tickets if I book online? 
  • Passengers will receive an order confirmation email from info@waverleyexcursions.co.uk and will receive tickets in the following way:

    7 days or less until sailing – Tickets are collected at the Purser’s office on board Waverley when you sail.

    8 or more days until sailing – Tickets will be sent by post.

    If you reside out with the UK, we will automatically arrange for your tickets to be collected on board Waverley on the day of the sailing at the Purser’s office.

  • Can I purchase a ticket on board Waverley when I sail? 
  • Yes tickets can be purchased on board Waverley at the Purser’s Office. Some sailings may sell out in advance.

    The Sailing Updates section on our website home page will give the latest availability for tickets. We recommend that you book in advance to ensure a place on board your preferred sailing.

  • Is there a booking fee? 
  • No, we don’t charge booking fees. We do charge an admin fee of £5 per ticket for amendments to bookings such as changing the date of sailing.

  • Are there reductions for children? 
  • Yes. Children under 5 TRAVEL FREE on all sailings. On all Glasgow and Clyde Coast sailings in 2025 children (5-16) can travel for just £1 – the same price as the Waverley was gifted for preservation in 1974! In other areas on selected sailings children can go for £1 or are HALF the Adult fare. Children aged 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

    To guarantee a place for your Child under 5, proceed with your booking and once completed, email info@waverleyexcursions.co.uk with your Booking Reference to request the Child under 5 to your booking.

  • Is there a reduction for Seniors? 
  • Yes. On some sailings there are reductions for seniors. On days where reductions are available, Senior rates are applicable to those 60 years or over. Look out for our popular “Seniors Bring a Friend FREE” offer on selected sailings.

  • When should I be at my departure point? 
  • Please ensure that you are at the ship 10 minutes prior to the departure time. Boarding closes 5 minutes before departure on outward and return journeys. Please note that gangways are usually open up to 30 minutes before departure at Waverley’s starting port for a sailing. Make sure you are aware of the departure point of the ship – See Departure Points page.

  • How do I redeem my Gift Vouchers? 
  • You can use your Gift Vouchers in two ways. Either send them to our office at 36 Lancefield Quay, Glasgow, G3 8HA with details of your chosen trip or call our office to book on 0141 243 2224 or use them on board Waverley for tickets on the day subject to availability.

  • How do I use Waverley 2025 Sailing Tickets? 
  • To secure your place on board your chosen cruise please book in advance by calling 0141 243 2224 or by emailing info@waverleyexcursions.co.uk or by sending your 2025 Sailing Ticket to us giving your full contact details and stating the boarding point and cruise you wish to book. Waverley 2025 Sailing Tickets can also be redeemed on board Waverley at the Purser’s Office (subject to availability).

  • What disabled / wheelchair facilities do you have on-board? 
  • For safety purposes the gangways leading onto the ship are ridged and therefore wheelchair passengers, if they can’t walk across, will have to be carried. The Crew are happy to assist less-agile passengers. Waverley is a historic passenger ship and there are relatively steep stairs leading between the different decks. Please ask for any help you may require. Please note that due to safe manual handling regulations and the nature of our gangways we are unable to carry electric wheelchairs or motor scooters and there is a safe handling limit of 14 stone (90kg). Please see our Accessibility Information webpage for further information and details on each port / pier.

    Waverley has a toilet for the disabled on the promenade deck – accessed with a Radar Key. Whilst we welcome disabled passengers aboard the ship not all ports and piers have suitable access.

  • Are single fares available? 
  • Yes. Some single trips are advertised and can be booked in advance such as Glasgow to Greenock or Greenock to Largs. Other single fares can be purchased on board subject to availability.

  • Is there somewhere aboard to get a meal or snack? 
  • Yes, Waverley has a Dining Saloon, lounge bar and a tea room. For details visit the Catering page.

  • Are bikes allowed on board? 
  • Yes, there is a standard charge of £10 to bring your bike on board for single or return journeys.

  • Are dogs allowed on board? 
  • On selected sailings we can carry well-behaved dogs. As a rule of thumb we have selected sailings where the maximum time that a dog would be on board is around 3.5 hours. Dogs MUST be booked in advance, a flat fare of £5 is charged. Assistance animals are welcome on-board Waverley but we would ask for them to be booked in advance by contacting our office. Owners are responsible for ensuring all pets are well behaved, any toilet accidents are the owner’s responsibility to clean up. Dogs should remain on a lead when aboard. Dogs are not able to travel on options with coach connections or coach returns.

  • What sort of car parking facilities are available? 
  • Car parking is generally available within walking distance of the majority of departure points. We have some information on our Departure Points page.

  • Can I bring my own wine / alcohol on board? 
  • As part of our Conditions of Carriage, no alcohol is permitted to be carried on board. Bag searches may take place and passengers who have alcohol in their possession will be refused permission to board the ship – no refund of fare will be given.

  • Can I leave my bag on board when I go ashore? 
  • You are permitted to take small bags and handbags. Small bags as no larger than 35cm x 40cm x 19cm or standard handbags. Bags may be searched at the gangway. There are no baggage facilities on the ship and you must keep your bag with you at all times, especially when you go ashore. Any bags left unattended will be put ashore by ship’s crew.

  • Is smoking permitted on board? 
  • Smoking and vaping or using e-cigarettes is only permitted on the open Promenade Deck. We would ask you to take the wind direction and comfort of other passengers into consideration.

  • How do I know if my sailing is operating? 
  • If the sailing for which you are booked on is unable to operate then we will send notification by email and text to the contact details that you provided at the time of booking. As text messages are used, mobile telephone numbers are preferred as a contact number. We will also show Sailing Updates on our website home page at waverleyexcursions.co.uk or call 0141 243 2224 and listen to the recorded message. Whilst we endeavour to have representation at ports to inform passengers of any changes, this is not always possible.

  • What is the Company Policy if a sailing is altered due to weather conditions? 
  • If the ship is unable to call at a port / pier due to weather conditions, transport to an alternative port / pier may be provided. If you do not wish to sail on the date for which you have booked you can use your ticket as credit against any other sailing – during this season or the next. No refunds will be provided but you can obtain a Credit Note by sending unused tickets to Waverley Excursions Ltd, 36 Lancefield Quay, Glasgow G3 8HA. Requests can be made for a SAE to be sent to return tickets for a cancelled sailing.

  • What is the Company Policy if a sailing is cancelled? 
  • If your sailing does not take place we can offer you the opportunity to use your ticket on any other sailing – during this season or the next – up to any value, even if your new cruise is more expensive than the one you had booked for. Alternatively, customers can obtain a refund by returning their unused tickets to Waverley Excursions Ltd, 36 Lancefield, Glasgow G3 8HA. Refunds should be applied for prior to October 31st each year. Refunds requests received after this date will be will be issued by cheque or voucher. Tickets returned after December 31st will be reissued as a credit note. Requests can be made for a SAE to be sent to return tickets for a cancelled sailing.

  • How are refunds made if a sailing is cancelled? 
  • If a sailing is cancelled refunds are processed in the same manner as tickets were ‘purchased’. If a customer were to book tickets using a Gift Voucher(s) / Credit Note / Sailing Ticket the refund would be issued as a Gift Voucher(s) / Credit Note / Sailing Ticket. Where a customer has purchased tickets by credit or debit card the refund is processed back to the card.

  • What if I cannot make a sailing I have already booked for? 
  • No refunds can be issued for sailings that take place. If you give advance notice that you are unable to sail by emailing info@waverleyexcursions.co.uk, we can transfer the value of your unused ticket(s) to another date. Your unused tickets must be retained in order to allow the transfer of credit. Your unused credit can normally be transferred to another date within the season in which the tickets were purchased for.
    When rebooking with credit, the credit value becomes non-refundable in the event of your pre-booked sailing not taking place.