Donate to Waverley

DONATE TO WAVERLEY – Help us keep our truly unique steamship paddling!

Scroll down for online donation form below

As a charity our primary aim is to maintain and operate Waverley for public benefit by offering a wide range of cruises on a living and working steam heritage attraction of national and international significance.

Maintaining a seagoing paddle steamer in full operation relies on donations, as well as fares, catering and shop sales income. We are exceptionally grateful to everyone who supports our efforts to keep Waverley sailing – without you a vital piece of our proud maritime, engineering and social heritage would have been lost forever.

How your donations help

Waverley is dry docked annually for hull survey and painting as well as numerous other works ahead of each new season. In 2024 the dry dock cost over £230,000.

During the winter months our volunteers undertake the lengthy (almost never ending) task of stripping, sanding and varnishing the wooden deck seats. Each winter we will spend over £3,000 in varnish and other materials to undertake this work.

Waverley has over 3 miles of deck timbers, annually we need to replace and recaulk over 200m of decking which will cost in excess of £50,000. During the 2024-2025 winter we will also be replacing the timber roof on the front end of the Forward Deck Shelter.

Waverley’s paddles require parts to be replaced periodically such as paddle boards and fittings which enable the paddles to tilt as they enter the water. One paddle will cost around £5,000 to replace (wood and fitting costs).

Annually we spend around £600,000 on basic maintenance not including renewal projects. We therefore welcome one off donations to support our maintenance of Waverley or small regular monthly donations from “Friends of Waverley“.

All donations small or large will be most welcome, if you can Gift Aid your donation this will add 25p to every £1 donated.

Alternatively you may be able to purchase items from our Amazon Wish List.

One Off Donations

Online – complete the form below

Phone – 0141 243 2224 during office hours (Winter hours Mon-Thur 0930-1630, Fri 0930-1530)

Cheque – Send your cheque to Waverley Excursions, WSN Co. Ltd, 36 Lancefield Quay, Glasgow, G3 8HA. Cheques should be made payable to Waverley Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.

Bank Transfer Payment (BACS) – Royal Bank of Scotland, Sort Code 83-52-00, Account Number 00667400. Please email us with your details in order to acknowledge your donation and also confirm if you wish to add Gift Aid to your donation

Please add Gift-Aid to further increase your donation by 25%. For every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the taxman.

Payments are processed by PayPal but there is an option to make a payment by credit or debit card without having to sign in  to or create a PayPal account.

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If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid allows you to significantly increase the value of your donation to us without you having to pay a penny more.

For every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the taxman.

If I have checked the box above, I would like WSN Co. Ltd. to reclaim the tax on this donation from me. I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I would also like to Gift Aid all donations I have made to WSN Co. Ltd. in the last four years and all donations in the future until I notify you otherwise.

Monthly Direct Debit donations as a Friend of Waverley

We welcome small regular monthly donations by Direct Debit. Those who can give a regular donation (minimum £5.20) will become a Friend of Waverley. Click the link below for full details to sign up today and help safeguard Waverley’s future.

Click here and arrange your Direct Debit to Waverley online today and become a Friend of Waverley.

Join the PSPS and help keep Waverley sailing

New members are welcome to join the PSPS and gain access to a range of exclusive benefits including a magazine every three months with Waverley news. New members can join online.