Waverley’s 75TH Anniversary Appeal

In 2022 we will celebrate Waverley’s Diamond Jubilee as it will be 75 years since her maiden voyage on the 16th June 1947. This is an exceptional milestone in Waverley’s career, however support is needed towards this winter’s refit to prepare for the 2022 sailing season.

Maintaining Waverley in operational condition is increasingly expensive. Her steam engine, paddle wheels, heritage machinery, wooden decks and numerous fittings all require ongoing maintenance. The expected cost for all work directly on the ship this winter will be in the region of £450,000.

Fortunately, thanks to those who sailed on Waverley during her 2021 season, and the ongoing support of several Trusts and Foundations we have some funds in hand to cover part of the cost of this winter’s refit, but more help is needed. We must now raise £150,000 from individuals towards the winter refit.

Waverley’s 75th Anniversary Appeal is now open to raise £150,000 towards the cost of the winter refit. We are seeking donations from individuals to support our fundraising efforts. Funding applications have already been submitted and we are working hard to identify all possible sources of funding.

All donations small or large will be gratefully received and together we can make Waverley’s Diamond Jubilee an anniversary to remember. Any individual supporter who makes a donation of £75 or more towards the 75th Anniversary Appeal will receive a unique Waverley coaster in thanks.

Donations can be made online or by calling 0141 243 2224.