Friends of Waverley


We ask you to support Waverley by making a small regular monthly donation (minimum £5.20) and become a Friend of Waverley. Your monthly donation will help safeguard Waverley’s future and allow us to meet the winter refit, survey and drydocking costs which are now in excess of £750,000 annually. You will help us plan ahead and make long-term improvements to Waverley.

As a Friend of Waverley, you will:

  • receive our biannual “The Funnel” e-newsletter giving Waverley news with features on the sailing season and winter refit work, and interviews with staff and crew;
  • receive a small token of recognition;
  • receive an annual “Thank You” gift;
  • take pride and satisfaction in knowing you are helping to support our work to preserve a unique piece of our maritime heritage allowing future generations to experience Waverley.

By giving a regular fixed monthly donation you will help us to keep Waverley alive, her steam engine turning, her paddles still beating.

We suggest a monthly donation amount which relates to Waverley:

520 Friend

Donate £5.20 a month to match Waverley’s engine number.
As a token of recognition, you will receive an exclusive Friends of Waverley pen and fridge magnet.


1330 Friend

Donate £13.30 a month to match Waverley’s yard number when built.
As a token of recognition, you will receive an exclusive Friends of Waverley bound notebook, fridge magnet and pen.


1947 Friend

Donate £19.47 per month to match the year of Waverley’s maiden voyage.
As a token of recognition, you will receive an exclusive mounted print of Waverley, fridge magnet and pen.


Click the link below to set up your Direct Debit. Please note when entering your monthly donation that the minimum to become a Friend of Waverley is £5.20.

Click here and arrange your monthly Direct Debit to become a Friend of Waverley online today.


Waverley is the World’s last seagoing paddle steamer: the sole survivor of a maritime tradition that began more than two centuries ago. Waverley is an astonishing survivor, a fully operational ship that has become an iconic visitor to the coasts of Britain bring a measurable economic benefit to the many towns and villages she visits. Waverley is a living reminder of our industrial and social history.

Waverley has operated in preservation since 1975 giving over 6 million the opportunity to travel on a seagoing paddle steamer. She offers passengers and viewers from the shore a unique experience. The sight and sound of Waverley lifts the spirits.

On board passengers admire the mighty steam engine, observe the paddles turning, hear their rhythmic beat, sense the gentle aroma of hot oil and steam, and enjoy the stunning coastline. Viewers from the shore, stop and admire as she passes, for Waverley is an unbroken link with our collective pasts.

Waverley Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. is the charity registered in Scotland which proudly owns Paddle Steamer Waverley. The charity is established to: “preserve, exhibit and operate Paddle Steamer Waverley for public benefit”.  We seek support in achieving these objectives.

Click here and arrange your monthly Direct Debit to become a Friend of Waverley online today.

Thank you for supporting Waverley.